Film For Classics

About Our Company

Since 1988, Film for Classics has been providing photographic film for users of antique, vintage & classic cameras all over the world.

Film for Classics purchases filmstock from major film companies in large rolls. The filmstock is then slit and spooled on custom-designed equipment, using a combination of new and recycled spools & paper backing, depending on film size. This includes spools and backing paper of our own design and manufacture.

We are currently supplying 620, 127, 828, 116, 616 & 122 spool film.  We are also working to expand this offering further with other obsolete film sizes and film types (e.g. color negative, color slide, etc.) that have been requested by customers.

For example, all 620-sized film is respooled 120-size film, replacing the larger 120 spools with smaller 620 spools; this provides a wider range of film types for customers.

Processing services are available from multiple sources for the film sizes we manufacture. Please see the processors tab for preferred sources. Always contact the selected source first, to ensure that they can accommodate your order.

All Film for Classics’ films are guaranteed and each roll is marked with an expiration date. If you are dissatisfied with any of our products or services for any reason, you may return the materials to us for a full and prompt refund or replacement.

User Processing of FFC Films

If you plan to process any of our films yourself, we suggest you follow Kodak, lford, Fuji or other filmstock supplier’s processing instructions.